DH Boss All India API Provider

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      "url": "http://www.gandi.net",
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    "creation": {
      "date": "2019-04-30t17:43:35z"
    "raw": "   Domain Name: whoireg.com\r\n   Registry Domain ID: 2385933112_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN\r\n   Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.gandi.net\r\n   Registrar URL: http://www.gandi.net\r\n   Updated Date: 2022-03-30T14:53:20Z\r\n   Creation Date: 2019-04-30T17:43:35Z\r\n   Registry Expiry Date: 2023-04-30T17:43:35Z\r\n   Registrar: Gandi SAS\r\n   Registrar IANA ID: 81\r\n   Registrar Abuse Contact Email: [email protected]\r\n   Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +33.170377661\r\n   Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited https://icann.org/epp#clientTransferProhibited\r\n   Name Server: LEE.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM\r\n   Name Server: MARY.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM\r\n   DNSSEC: unsigned\r\n   URL of the ICANN Whois Inaccuracy Complaint Form: https://www.icann.org/wicf/\r\n>>> Last update of whois database: 2022-11-09T12:20:09Z <<<\r\n\r\nFor more information on Whois status codes, please visit https://icann.org/epp\r\n\r\nNOTICE: The expiration date displayed in this record is the date the\r\nregistrar's sponsorship of the domain name registration in the registry is\r\ncurrently set to expire. This date does not necessarily reflect the expiration\r\ndate of the domain name registrant's agreement with the sponsoring\r\nregistrar.  Users may consult the sponsoring registrar's Whois database to\r\nview the registrar's reported date of expiration for this registration.\r\n\r\nTERMS OF USE: You are not authorized to access or query our Whois\r\ndatabase through the use of electronic processes that are high-volume and\r\nautomated except as reasonably necessary to register domain names or\r\nmodify existing registrations; the Data in VeriSign Global Registry\r\nServices' (\"VeriSign\") Whois database is provided by VeriSign for\r\ninformation purposes only, and to assist persons in obtaining information\r\nabout or related to a domain name registration record. VeriSign does not\r\nguarantee its accuracy. By submitting a Whois query, you agree to abide\r\nby the following terms of use: You agree that you may use this Data only\r\nfor lawful purposes and that under no circumstances will you use this Data\r\nto: (1) allow, enable, or otherwise support the transmission of mass\r\nunsolicited, commercial advertising or solicitations via e-mail, telephone,\r\nor facsimile; or (2) enable high volume, automated, electronic processes\r\nthat apply to VeriSign (or its computer systems). The compilation,\r\nrepackaging, dissemination or other use of this Data is expressly\r\nprohibited without the prior written consent of VeriSign. You agree not to\r\nuse electronic processes that are automated and high-volume to access or\r\nquery the Whois database except as reasonably necessary to register\r\ndomain names or modify existing registrations. VeriSign reserves the right\r\nto restrict your access to the Whois database in its sole discretion to ensure\r\noperational stability.  VeriSign may restrict or terminate your access to the\r\nWhois database for failure to abide by these terms of use. VeriSign\r\nreserves the right to modify these terms at any time.\r\n\r\nThe Registry database contains ONLY .COM, .NET, .EDU domains and\r\nRegistrars.\r\n"

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      "date": "12/09/2023",
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      "date": "12/09/2023",
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        "pc": "pinnumber",
        "po": "Village/Town",
        "state": "State Name",
        "street": "",
        "subdist": "City",
        "vtc": "Village/Town Name"
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  "status": "success",
  "response": {
    "UID_Number": "000000000000",
    "Hidden_PAN_Number": "AA******0A",
    "pan_made": "Yes",
    "Message": "Congratulations, your PAN card is made from Aadhar card."

Close Button

	"code": 200,
	"status": "success",
	"message": "Success",
	"response": {
		"category": "INDIVIDUAL",
		"identity_type": "P",
		"age": "24",
		"pancase": "MAJOR",
		"pan_no": "AAAPA0001A",
		"registered_name": "DUMMY NAME",
		"dob": "10/07/2001",
		"father_name": "DUMMY FATHER NAME"

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	"code": 200,
	"status": "success",
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		"pan_no": "AAAPA0000A",
		"category": "INDIVIDUAL",
		"identity_type": "P",
		"holder_name": "Dummy Full Name",
		"first_name": "Dummy First Name",
		"middle_name": "Dummy Middle Name",
		"last_name": "Dummy Last Name"

Close Button

  "number": "JN139600000IN",
  "status": "shipped",
  "hadDeliveryIncident": false,
  "daysInTransit": 4,
  "estimatedDaysBeforeDelivery": 8,
  "minEstDaysBeforeDelivery": 6,
  "maxEstDaysBeforeDelivery": 13,
  "steps": [
      "time": "2023-03-20T15:11:00.000Z",
      "lines": [
        "Item Dispatched",
        "Parbhani ICH"
      "courier": {
        "name": "INDIA POST",
        "slug": "india-post"
      "semanticStatus": "IN_TRANSIT",
      "humanReadableTime": "Mar 20, 2023",
      "meaning": "Your package is in transit with the carrier."
      "time": "2023-03-20T13:30:00.000Z",
      "lines": [
        "Item Bagged",
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      "courier": {
        "name": "INDIA POST",
        "slug": "india-post"
      "semanticStatus": "IN_TRANSIT",
      "humanReadableTime": "Mar 20, 2023",
      "meaning": "Your package is in transit with the carrier."
      "time": "2023-03-20T09:00:00.000Z",
      "lines": [
        "Item Received",
        "Parbhani ICH"
      "courier": {
        "name": "INDIA POST",
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      "semanticStatus": "IN_TRANSIT",
      "humanReadableTime": "Mar 20, 2023",
      "meaning": "Your package is in transit with the carrier."
      "time": "2023-03-19T04:32:00.000Z",
      "lines": [
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      "courier": {
        "name": "INDIA POST",
        "slug": "india-post"
      "semanticStatus": "IN_TRANSIT",
      "humanReadableTime": "Mar 19, 2023",
      "meaning": "Your package is in transit with the carrier."
      "time": "2023-03-19T04:25:00.000Z",
      "lines": [
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      "courier": {
        "name": "INDIA POST",
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      "semanticStatus": "IN_TRANSIT",
      "humanReadableTime": "Mar 19, 2023",
      "meaning": "Your package is in transit with the carrier."
      "time": "2023-03-19T01:42:00.000Z",
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        "name": "INDIA POST",
        "slug": "india-post"
      "semanticStatus": "LABEL_CREATED",
      "humanReadableTime": "Mar 19, 2023",
      "meaning": "The carrier has been informed and will soon collect your package."
  "statusLabel": "Your package has been in transit for 4 day(s)",
  "statusSubLabel": "Delivery is expected in 6-13 days (based on 1000 similar deliveries)",
  "statusProgressPercentage": 33.33,
  "statusPlaceholder": "Shipped",
  "unknownMeaning": null,
  "unknownLine": null,
  "couriers": [
      "name": "INDIA POST",
      "slug": "india-post"
  "todayHumanReadableTime": "Mar 22, 2023"

Close Button

	"code": 200,
	"status": "success",
	"fuel": "petrol",
	"city": "chennai",
	"response": [
			"date": "Nov 06, 2023",
			"price": "102.63",
			"change": "0.00"
			"date": "Nov 05, 2023",
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			"date": "Nov 03, 2023",
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			"price": "103.39",
			"change": "-0.27"

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  "status": "success",
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    "f_last_name": "Father Last Dummy Name",
    "gender": "Male",
    "category": "INDIVIDUAL                    ",
    "link_status": "AAADHAAR IS ALREADY LINKED TO PAN Card"

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	"code": 200,
	"status": "success",
	"response": {
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		"ownerFatherName": "SHIV POOJAN SINGH",
		"financerName": "On Cash",
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		"insuranceCompanyName": "United India Insurance Co. Ltd.",
		"insurancePolicyNumber": "0311013120P105838886",
		"insuranceUpto": "19/10/2021",
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		"pincode": "211008"

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	"status": "success",
	"message": "Extracted successfully",
	"barcode_data": "409179700132680"

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  "code": 200,
  "status": "success",
  "response": [
      "rate": 83.2505,
      "source": "USD",
      "target": "INR",
      "time": "2023-10-30T12:21:46+0000"

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     "dob": "11/07/1999",
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  "code": 200,
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    "phone_no": "612-2237131",
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    "shortstate": "BR",
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  "code": 200,
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  "response": {
    "message": "Record Found 1",
    "rto_code": "BR01",
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        "value": "07-Aug-2023"
    "webAction": null
      "challanId": "DJ35638230444444856",
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      "date": "2023-03-24 18:08:56",
      "amount": "600",
      "status": "Disposed"
    "1": {
      "challanId": "DJ3563823044444485654",
      "source": "REGULAR_COURT",
      "violaterName": "Full Dummy Name",
      "date": "2023-03-14 18:53:54",
      "amount": "1000",
      "status": "Disposed"
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      "challanId": "DJ356382304444448652",
      "source": "REGULAR_COURT",
      "violaterName": "Full Dummy Name",
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      "status": "Disposed"
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      "source": "REGULAR_COURT",
      "violaterName": "Full Dummy Name",
      "date": "2022-08-28 08:51:10",
      "amount": "200",
      "status": "Disposed"
    "4": {
      "challanId": "DJ35638230444444880221",
      "source": "REGULAR_COURT",
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      "date": "2022-08-02 08:02:21",
      "amount": "2000",
      "status": "Disposed"
    "5": {
      "challanId": "DJ35638230444444811",
      "source": "REGULAR_COURT",
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      "challanId": "DJ356382304444448748",
      "source": "REGULAR_COURT",
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      "amount": "800",
      "status": "Disposed"
    "7": {
      "challanId": "DJ3563823044444482584",
      "source": "REGULAR_COURT",
      "violaterName": "Full Dummy Name",
      "date": "2021-01-12 17:23:00",
      "amount": "43700",
      "status": "Disposed"
    "8": {
      "challanId": "DJ3563823044444483331",
      "source": "REGULAR_COURT",
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      "date": "2020-02-26 13:00:00",
      "amount": "0",
      "status": "Disposed"
    "9": {
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      "source": "REGULAR_COURT",
      "violaterName": "Full Dummy Name",
      "date": "2019-10-11 11:01:00",
      "amount": "500",
      "status": "Disposed"

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	"code": 200,
	"status": "success",
	"message": "Found Successfully",
	"response": {
		"app_no": "U - K0099999999",
		"app_name": "A*** K**** Y****",
		"App_type": "For Change/Correction in PAN Card details (CSF)",
		"status": "Application is withheld for processing. marked for objection -",
		"panno": "******000M",
		"applydate": "19/01/2024",
		"objection_reason": "Required gazette notification as applicant name change proof"

Close Button

  "code": 200,
  "status": "success",
  "response": {
    "qr_img": "base64 code"

Close Button

  "code": 200,
  "status": "success",
  "response": {
    "isVpaValid": "1",
    "Holder_Name": "Dummy Name So Father Dummy Name",
    "UPI_Number": "99999999@PAYTM"

Close Button

  "code": 200,
  "status": "success",
  "response": {
    "status": "Expired",
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    "rto_name": "DELHI",
    "regn_dt": "09/07/2021",
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    "owner_sr": "1",
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    "blacklist_status": "Locked by DELHI due to reason Pending Demand/Arr, Difference of fee in temporary registration fee paid at the time of registration and fees applicable as per G.S.R. 240 is due towards this vehicle"

Close Button

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  "status": "success",
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        "date": "2024-02-21 11:46:00",
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        "vehicle_class": "",
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        "payment_date": "",
        "amount": 1000,
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        "area": "Kanpur Nagar",
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            "offence_name": "Driving Two-wheeled without helmets",
            "penalty": "1000"
            "offence_name": "Driving Two-wheeled without helmets",
            "penalty": "1000"

Close Button

  "name": "Vehicle Number Details",
  "type": "Success",
  "message": "Vehicle Details fetched successfully",
  "status": "200",
  "detail": {
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    "pucUpTo": "",
    "rcStatus": "Fitness Expired",
    "unladenWt": "377",
    "hypothecation": false,
    "vehicleCategory": "3WT",
    "fuelType": null,
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Close Button

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Select your plan
Mini API Plan
2,999 One Time Fee
Api Hit/Activation Charge
Pro API Plan
₹4,499 One Time Fee
Api Hit/Activation Charge
Gold API Plan
₹8,499 One Time Fee
Api Hit/Activation Charge
Custom API Plan
Free Lifetime
Api Hit/Activation Charge
AADHAR_BASE_PAN_MAKING_CHECK 0.40/- NA 0.30/- NA 0.25/- NA 0.35/NA
Aadhar_verification_biometric 6.00/- NA 5.70/- NA 5.49/- NA 5.50/Api Paid
Advance_pan_verification 5.00/- NA 4.25/- NA 4.20/- NA 4.20/Api Paid
Advance_vehicle_verification 5.00/- NA 4.59/- NA 4.49/- NA 4.70/Api Paid
Captcha_image_to_text 0.05/- NA 0.04/- NA 0.03/- NA 0.045/NA
CHALLAN_INFO 0.80/- NA 0.75/- NA 0.55/- NA 0.60/Api Paid
CONSIGNMENT_TRACKER 1.00/- NA 0.70/- NA 0.55/- NA 0.60/Api Paid
Createtoken 0.066/- NA 0.055/- NA 0.055/- NA 0.050/NA
CURRENCY_EXCHANGE 0.03/- NA 0.02/- NA 0.01/- NA 0.025/NA
CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_LIST 0.03/- NA 0.02/- NA 0.01/- NA 0.025/NA
DL_VERIFICATION 1.00/- NA 0.60/- NA 0.50/- NA 0.55/Api Paid
DOMAIN_DNS_INFO 0.04/- NA 0.03/- NA 0.02/- NA 0.035/NA
DOMAIN_REG_INFO 0.05/- NA 0.04/- NA 0.03/- NA 0.045/NA
ELECTRICITY_BILL_INFO 0.40/- NA 0.20/- NA 0.10/- NA 0.15/Api Paid
Fastag_details 0.50/- NA 0.30/- NA 0.20/- NA 0.25/Api Paid
FAST_TAG_INFO 0.50/- NA 0.30/- NA 0.20/- NA 0.25/Api Paid
FUEL_PRICE_INFO 0.05/- NA 0.04/- NA 0.03/- NA 0.045/Api Paid
GOLD_PAN_VERIFICATION 5.00/- NA 4.00/- NA 2.00/- NA 1.90/Api Paid
GSTIN_INFO 0.40/- NA 0.30/- NA 0.20/- NA 0.35/Api Paid
GST_NUMBER_SEARCH 0.06/- NA 0.05/- NA 0.04/- NA 0.05/Api Paid
GST_RETURN_STATUS 0.30/- NA 0.30/- NA 0.20/- NA 0.20/Api Paid
Gst_search_by_pan 0.06/- NA 0.05/- NA 0.04/- NA 0.05/Api Paid
IFSC_VALIDATION 0.04/- NA 0.03/- NA 0.02/- NA 0.02/NA
Imagetotext 0.05/- NA 0.04/- NA 0.03/- NA 0.045/NA
Indiapost 0.70/- NA 0.55/- NA 0.45/- NA 0.40/Api Paid
LOCATION_TRACE_BY_IP 0.03/- NA 0.02/- NA 0.01/- NA 0.025/NA
METAL_PRICE_DETAILS 0.05/- NA 0.04/- NA 0.03/- NA 0.045/NA
MOBILE_NUMBER_PLANS 0.06/- NA 0.05/- NA 0.05/- NA 0.05/NA
Mobile_number_recommended_plans 0.03/- NA 0.02/- NA 0.01/- NA 0.025/NA
Mobile_number_to_vpa_api 0.50/- NA 0.40/- NA 0.30/- NA 0.25/Api Paid
MOBILE_NUMBER_TRACE 0.05/- NA 0.04/- NA 0.03/- NA 0.045/NA
Nsdl_application_status 0.80/- NA 0.60/- NA 0.50/- NA 0.55/Api Paid
OFFLINE_AADHAR_KYC 0.10/- NA 0.05/- NA 0.04/- NA 0.045/NA
PAN_Aadhar_Link_Status 0.50/- NA 0.30/- NA 0.20/- NA 0.25/Api Paid
PAN_MAKING_CHECKER_WITH_AADHAR 1.00/- NA 0.60/- NA 0.50/- NA 0.55/Api Paid
Pan_ocr_api 0.30/- NA 0.25/- NA 0.20/- NA 0.19/NA
PAN_VERIFICATION 0.70/- NA 0.65/- NA 0.45/- NA 0.45/Api Paid
Parceltrack 0.90/- NA 0.60/- NA 0.45/- NA 0.50/Api Paid
PARCEL_TRACKING 1.00/- NA 0.70/- NA 0.50/- NA 0.60/Api Paid
PLUS_DL_VERIFICATION 2.00/- NA 1.00/- NA 0.80/- NA 0.77/Api Paid
PRO_PAN_VERIFICATION 0.60/- NA 0.55/- NA 0.50/- NA 0.52/Api Paid
PRO_RTO_VEHICLE_INFO 4.00/- NA 3.10/- NA 3.00/- NA 3.10/Api Paid
Qrreceive 0.30/- NA 0.30/- NA 0.30/- NA 0.20/Api Paid
Qr_barcode_api 0.05/- NA 0.04/- NA 0.025/- NA 0.02/NA
RC_VERIFICATION_CHECK 1.00/- NA 0.90/- NA 0.80/- NA 0.85/Api Paid
Recaptcha_bypass 0.15/- NA 0.15/- NA 0.15/- NA 0.15/NA
RTO_INFO_BY_CITY 0.05/- NA 0.04/- NA 0.04/- NA 0.04/NA
RTO_INFO_BY_CODE 0.06/- NA 0.04/- NA 0.02/- NA 0.045/NA
RTO_VEHICLE_INFO 0.70/- NA 0.50/- NA 0.40/- NA 0.45/Api Paid
Searchvin 0.90/- NA 0.80/- NA 0.70/- NA 0.65/Api Paid
Traffic_challan 1.00/- NA 0.75/- NA 0.55/- NA 0.60/Api Paid
TRAIN_NO_SEARCH 0.06/- NA 0.05/- NA 0.04/- NA 0.055/NA
UPI_QR_GENERATORS 0.10/- NA 0.08/- NA 0.05/- NA 0.07/NA
UPI_VERIFICATION 2.00/- NA 1.50/- NA 1.00/- NA 1.10/NA
UTI_PAN_STATUS 0.80/- NA 0.60/- NA 0.50/- NA 0.55/Api Paid
Vehicle_blacklist_check_api 0.70/- NA 0.50/- NA 0.40/- NA 0.45/Api Paid
Vindecoder 0.30/- NA 0.24/- NA 0.21/- NA 0.25/NA

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API DH-Boss is one of the leading source of Internet-based application programming interfaces (APIs).

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We at API DH-Boss, strongly focus on Less-code application platform that helps you to build complex custom software faster, with higher quality, and lower costs than traditional approaches.

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We offer APIs including Aadhar Verification, Pan Verification, GSTN Verification, GEO IP Track, Train PNR Status, Bank Verification, IFSC Code lookup, Fuel Price, Stock Price, Currency Exchange, and other APIs including.
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id verification api

For business

Now it is easy to buy API and make it live in the site, now there will be more profit in business.

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